A Message for our Confirmation Children​

This weekend we are thinking especially of our Children who were due to be confirmed on Saturday the 9th of May. Our hearts and thoughts are very much with you at this time. We know that your Confirmation was something that you were looking forward to very much and we understand that you all very disappointed.

Some of you were expecting members of your extended family to travel from abroad so that they could be with you at this special moment and important time in your young lives. Lots of plans have had to be put on hold. It is not easy. It is very difficult at this time for us all but especially for yourselves during this weekend. We think of all the things we were planning to do with our friends, our families, our wonderful teachers, the parish staff as part of your special day.

This weekend once again you have been asked to be make a very big sacrifice for the benefit and good health of all our people. Don’t forget a good Christian, a true Christian is someone who is willing to make a sacrifice for others. Today you are doing just that. What a wonderful witness you are to your faith and to all around you at this time.

We in Our Lady of Victories will be having a special mass on Sunday the 10th at 10 am which can be followed on our webcam at olv.ie. Do join us by logging in. In the meantime stay in contact with your friends and pass the word. Sunday 10 at 10.

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