Our Lady of Victories 50th Anniversary

The 50th Anniversary of

Our Lady of Victories Church

by Fr. Frank Reburn and Mary McCarthy

A Mass of Celebration

by Fr. Frank Reburn

On Sunday the 23rd of June we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of our Church. This magnificent building was opened in February 1969.

Gathered together as one, mass was celebrated by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.

He was joined with the priests of the parish and also with the priests who served in the parish throughout the years.

The liturgy involved a representation of parishioners, embracing the energy of our young and acknowledging the wisdom of our seniors. Music was provided by the combined choirs of our parish, i.e. The Adult Choir, The Family Mass Choir and OLV Gospel Choir. Ciaran Coll the director of the OLV Gospel Choir commissioned a special Psalm for the occasion.

The Liturgical Procession

The liturgy began with an Entrance Procession, the gifts brought to the altar represented the sacramental life of our Church and Parish.

Welcomes Extended and Tributes Paid

Mary McCarthy the Chairperson of the 50 th Anniversary Organising Group welcomed everybody. Ger Casey, the Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council delivered the words of appreciation after communion.

Special tribute was paid to many volunteers who gave so much of their energy and time in the early years of our parish and indeed to many volunteers who continue to do so.

The magnificent Church and faith community stands testament to the efforts and goodwill of so many.

As an acknowledgement of all the wonderful work, past and present, Shay Shelly was made Lord Mayor of our Parish.

A Parish of Family and Friends

After a lovely joy filled ceremony we all retired to the grounds of the church, for fun and food. It was a lovely sight to behold so many families and friends gathered sharing food and simply enjoying themselves.

Sunday’s celebration was a culmination of a series of events that began with a mass for the sick on Thursday the 20th.

This was followed on Friday by our annual Dawn Mass at 6.30 am.

On Saturday the 22nd at the Vigil Mass, Fr. Philip Bradley, a native of OLV shared with us his own experience of growing up in the parish drawing from the Christian Heritage within the area.

As we reflect back on our celebrations I pay tribute to the wonderful committee who steered and organised all the different events and all who helped out the committee during the week.

Thank you.

Frank, a priest passing through.

Photo Gallery

Photography by Ultan O'Brien

Words of Welcome

by Mary McCarthy

Good morning everyone.

On behalf of the 50th Anniversary Events Organising Committee, I welcome each and every one of you to this magnificent church.

We are both delighted and honoured, Archbishop Diarmuid, that you are here today to celebrate with us. It is fitting, considering you are standing in the exact same spot that Archbishop McQuaid did 50 years ago.

I extend a warm welcome back to our visiting priests, who have served us so generously and faithfully in the past.

Thank you for taking time out from your busy Sunday morning schedules to be with us again.

I also welcome our newest and dare I say, youngest Lord Mayor, Seamus Shelly. Shay and his colleagues were there at the beginning, when this church was just a dream and not even on an architect’s drawing board.

They worked tirelessly in fund raising and rallying the troops to support the project. And since then Shay and his colleagues have continued to work ceaselessly to grow and develop our faith community. I’m sure you don’t know where the last 50 years have got to, Shay.

Finally, I extend a warm welcome to our parishioners, your families and friends and particularly anyone who has travelled to be with us today and also, anyone who may be on holidays or visiting our parish from other places.

I would also like to welcome people who have come from other countries and have made Our Lady of Victories your home. We are delighted to have you in our community.

This is our church – Happy 50th Anniversary Our Lady of Victories.

This is our day, so please enjoy it.

Mary McCarthy

(originally delivered during Celebratory Mass on 23rd June, 2019)

This is Our Lady of Victories

A Celebration of Musical Composition

Our Lady of Victories was gifted an additional blessing to the celebration of our 50th Anniversary in the form of an original composition by Ciaran Coll, director of the Young Adult Choir.  

Entitled “Psalm 109: You Are A Priest For Ever“, it is graciously dedicated by Ciaran to all our parishioners. Ciaran has also kindly provided the sheet music to his Psalm.

Those who wish to own a copy may download it via the button below.

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