Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses at
Our Lady of Victories Church,
Ballymun Road
Gathering with family and attending mass over the Christmas has always been a very strong tradition in our parish. This year however, things will be very different. We cannot facilitate the large numbers that attended Mass in previous years. As part of the practicalities in preparation for the Christmas ceremonies, Government guidelines must be adhered to, but with careful planning and the space available in our Church, 150 people may be present at each Mass (this figure includes the celebrants and all relevant staff).
There will be Five Masses
Christmas Eve: 4.00(Families and young children): 6.00 & 8.00 pm
Christmas Day: 10.00 am & 12 noon(Includes a Blessing for the Toys)
(All masses requiring one ticket per person)
To accommodate the numbers wanting to come to Mass on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, the Parish Pastoral Council have agreed that a ticketing system will be needed.
You are asked to pick one Mass only.
We cannot admit any more than 150 people.
We are required to sanitize the church between Masses and Mass must not last longer than one hour, and that time includes people arriving and leaving the Church. We must allow an hour between each mass.
The obligation to attend mass has been suspended.
You might consider attending mass at another time over the twelve days of Christmas. The church will be open for private prayer and also for an opportunity to visit the crib
How to obtain a Ticket
Tickets will be available in the church for collection on Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th of December
between the hours of 11.00 am to 12 noon
For those who cannot be present you can phone 01-8420346 or 089 4261733
(Between the hours of 9.00 am and 12 noon only any calls outside of this time will not be answered).
We will only hold onto the tickets for twenty four hours after which they will be re-issued
Masks are Obligatory.
No Mask, No Entry