Diocesan Survey on Sacraments

Last Autumn, the Archbishop set up a Sacraments Review Group in the diocese. Its brief is to consult widely and deeply about the experience in our parishes of the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation and to make recommendations for the future.

The first step in the consultation will be to listen.  The Review Group wants to listen to the people who are most involved with these sacraments.

  • To listen to parents who have presented children for one or more of these sacraments.
  • To listen to clergy, to pastoral workers and catechists, to sacramental teams, to pastoral councils, as well as to others in the parish.
  • In addition, in the case of First Communion and Confirmation, they will listen to people in our schools, to principals and to teachers.

To help with this listening process, you are invited to respond to a short set of questions, prepared by the Review Group.  The questionnaire can be accessed easily online on the Diocesan website:


There you will also find the Archbishop’s video message and letter about the survey.

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