St Vincent de Paul Annual Major Collection

I am appealing to you on behalf of our local conference of St Vincent de Paul.  It has been such a strange year for almost everybody but, unfortunately, even more difficult than usual for the families in need, that your generosity has helped in the past. In 2020, this conference needed approximately €40,000 to meet demand. Almost €10,000 of this was raised at last year’s Christmas collection. With this money, we helped with school and colleges expenses, to purchase white goods and furniture for our families and with shopping vouchers for Lidl and Aldi.  We use these stores not only because of their convenience but also because a euro seems to go further there.

Of course this year we cannot have our normal annual collection and indeed we have not held our monthly outdoor collections since March.  Therefore we are appealing to you to be as generous as you usually are by contributing in any way you can.

Most importantly, though, we would ask that when contributing, you make it clear you want your money to come to St Vincent de Paul because we can no longer have a basket collection at Masses.

How to contribute to your local St Vincent de Paul in Covid Times!

Envelopes clearly marked St Vincent de Paul (OLV) may be dropped into the buckets on the way out of the church on Sunday.   Some preprinted envelopes have been left in the church for your use, which you may pick up during the week.  However, we would kindly ask if you don’t get one of these, to simply make up your own envelope and clearly state its for St Vincent de Paul (OLV).  Envelopes clearly marked St Vincent de Paul may also be dropped into the letter box slot on the  external door leading into the sacristy area.

People can also donate directly to Conferences at or calling (0818) 176 176.

Finally, we thank you for your ongoing support and wish you all a safe, peaceful and healthy Christmas.

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