16th February 2020

Recently deceased:  We pray for Esther Mac Cora and Christina Redmond who are recently deceased.  

May they rest in peace. Amen.

CRC Art exhibition is taking place at the Central Remedial Clinic, Vernon Avenue, Clontarf on Sat 22nd Feb from 11:00am to 6:00pm and Sunday 23rd Feb 11:00am to  5:00pm.

The ANNUAL COLLECTION of ACCORD Dublin, the Diocesan Agency for Marriage and the Family, will be made at all Masses this Sunday 16th February. The Collection for ACCORD will replace the usual Share Collection.

ACCORD Dublin throughout the Diocese offers:

Marriage Preparation courses,

Counselling for couples and individuals experiencing difficulties in their relationships.

A Relationship and Sexuality Programme for schools.

ACCORD Dublin needs your support. Please give generously. Last year our Parish kindly donated €2500 which is slightly up on 2018.

TWO for TEA?

Many thanks to our two new volunteers for our Sunday tea after 10:00am mass.  We are hoping for two more please.  If you are interested please leave your name and contact details in the sacristy. Thank you and indeed thanks to all our volunteers.

Homeless Persons: Rough Sleepers

If you see anyone sleeping rough in the Dublin Region, please report it to www.homelessdublin.ie/report-rough-sleeper

Lenten triptych encouraging parishioners to pray, fast, and give.

Lenten Series of Talks: The Church in Ireland: A Vision for the Future (Margaret Aylward Centre Glasnevin)

This series takes place on Wednesdays and commences on 11th March.  The talks will take place in the Margaret Aylward Centre for Faith and Dialogue in the grounds of the Holy Faith Convent, Glasnevin Hill from 7:30pm-8:30pm, and will include time for questions and discussion. Refreshments will be available after each talk. Further details of speakers will be announced.

Guided Reading of Scripture in Our Lady of Dolours after certain morning masses

Sr. Therese Fitzgerald has previously led guided reading of Scripture texts sessions after 10:00am weekday Mass in Our Lady of Dolours Glasnevin, which has proved very popular with parishioners and visitors.  In a short series this Lent, Sr. Therese will explore the biblical theme of Exodus and its connection with the Jewish celebration of Passover and the Christian celebration of Easter:

  • Tuesday 3rd March: Overview of the Book of Exodus and Exodus themes  
  • Tuesday 10th March: A Closer look at the text of the Passover
  • Wednesday 18th March: The Jewish experience of Passover
  • Tuesday 24th March: Looking at Easter in light of the three previous sessions

Each of the sessions will take place in the front meeting room of Glasnevin parish centre after 10 morning Mass on the above dates.  Tea/coffee will be provided.

 Invitation to all to participate in a reflective reading (Lectio Divina) of the Gospel texts for the Sundays of Lent. This will take place each Tuesday in Lent at 7:15pm beginning Tuesday 25th February in Our Lady of Dolours Glasnevin. Parishioners and visitors are welcome to come along any Tuesday evening in Lent.

 A Lenten Book Club is being launched on Thursday 5th March at 7:30pm. Participants will be given a copy of Finding God in a Leaf, by Fr. Brian Grogan SJ.  The Book Club will meet again on Thursday 19th March to discuss the book. Refreshments will be served. If you would like to participate in this book club, please contact the sacristy or parish office. The church venue is to be decided.

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